Child and Adult Protection Contact Point

Information for those affected

The Child and Adult Protection Contact Point (KESCHA) is an information and counselling service for people who are affected by a child or adult protection measure. Among other things, the contact centre advises people who have questions about guardianship or proceedings by the child and adult protection authority (KESB) or the court.

This website provides affected persons with information on child and adult protection law, simple tips and details of the services offered by KESCHA.

English is not a Swiss national language. Therefore not the entire website has been translated. However, the informative KESR ABC is available in English.


P.O. Box 261
6330 Cham

Consultations by telephone only
+41 44 273 96 96

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday

09.00 - 11.30 a.m.

14.00 - 16.30


14.00 - 16.30