Persons, adults, children or adolescents who are affected by a measure taken by the child and adult protection authority (KESB) can be supported by a person of trust before this authority. This person can either encourage them or speak on their behalf by accompanying them to a meeting with the authority or by helping them with written submissions. In the latter case, the person concerned must always sign the petition themselves. The KESB may reject a trusted person if they appear unsuitable. In the case of children, a hearing takes place without the parents or a person of trust being present. An exception to this is the child representative (child advocate) appointed by the KESB, who may accompany the hearing.
A person in care-related hospitalisation has a right to a person of trust who accompanies them during their stay and is granted special rights (Art. 432 ZGB).
© 2024 KESCHA
Dörflistrasse 50
8050 Zurich
Consultations by telephone only
+41 44 273 96 96
Opening hours | |
Monday - Thursday | |
09.00 - 11.30 a.m. | |
14.00 - 16.30 | |
Friday | |
14.00 - 16.30 |